Prácticas de redacción 2015/2016
Nick: EffyStark



viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Currently reading...

Hi guys!
This week I am reading "The 5th wave", this book called my attention because is very famous and also have a good synopsis.
Like a summary of the book I can say that is apocalyptic - and this is one thing that I like so much about this book- the book narrates that aliens come to earth and a war occurs. Our principal character, Cassie, has to save her little brother but a we are going to find a succesion of problems.
In my opinion, this book is absolutely adictive, I can't stop reading it, also I want finish this weekend. The thing I like the best is that is about survival and love, but is not all about the type of love we are accustomed, is about a family love. I can relate this book with others like The hunger games or Divergent. In addition I have to say that they will make a movie about The 5th wave, you can see the trailer here. For now, I prefer wait until I finish the book to see the trailer.

Best Wishes,
Effy Stark.

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